Author: Cranaleith (Bernadette Rudolph)

Home / Cranaleith
A house with a pink flower in the foreground.

From the Executive Director: Charlene Flaherty

With winter passing and the dawn of Spring, I have become increasingly aware of the need to tend and cultivate. As any good gardener knows, when we fail to plant, water and weed, nature has a way of following its own course. A different but also compelling example is the need to attend to our...

Two people are side by side in a photo.

Welcoming New Board Members

We are pleased to announce the appointment of two new members to our Board of Directors. Stephen G. Hart is Vice President of Human Resources and Human Capital Development at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. Dr. Maureen O’Connell is Chair the Department of Religion and Associate Professor of Christian Ethics at La Salle University. Mr. Stephen Hart joins...

A desktop, laptop and tablet with the website for elizabeth spiritual center.

Cranaleith Launches Brand New Website!

After months of hard work and dedication from our staff, we are excited to debut our new website! From compelling imagery to color scheme to typeface, this beautifullydesigned site highlights Cranaleith’s natural beauty and mission of healing and transformation. Visitors can enjoy a more user-friendly experience while learning about our extensive selection of retreats, programs...


Introducing New Program Director, Kathleen McCauley

We are pleased to welcome new Program Director, Kathleen McCauley to the Cranaleith family. Trained in the areas of pastoral ministry, clinical pastoral work and spiritual direction,Kathleen has developed and facilitated retreats for churches, groups and individuals. She has extensive experience in12 Step Spirituality, as well as in personal and career discernment. Her prayers and...

A bowl of soup with a green leaf on the side.

Carrot Ginger Soup Recipe

If you’ve visited Cranaleith, you know that soups are a mainstay of many of our garden-to-table meals. As winter fades away, we find ourselves craving lighter, fresher flavors. This vibrant soup is sure to wake your senses to the coming of Spring. Ingredients: 1 large onion, chopped 1 tbs + 3 cups chicken or vegetable...

A picture of the sun setting over a forest.

Lent Retreats Offer Opportunities to Slowdown

Lent is a holy season of the church year, beginning with Ash Wednesday (March 6, 2019) and ending on Easter (April 21, 2019). It is a time of preparation for Easter through prayer, reflection, silence, repentance, reading, and growing in the grace of God. Many people see these 40 days as a time to refresh...

A reflection of your authentic self in the mirror.

Women Experience the Transformative Power of Listening

According to mind/body pioneer, Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen, “Listening is the oldest and perhaps the most powerful tool of healing. It is often through the quality of our listening, and not the wisdom of our words, that we are able to effect the most profound changes in the people around us. When we listen, we...

Zone of Peace

Cranaleith Named a Zone of Peace

Cranaleith held an event on Sunday, November 11, 2018,to celebrate its designation as aZone of Peace by the Religious Leaders Council of Greater Philadelphia. “We chose Cranaleith is a Zone of Peace because of its role in offering people from all backgrounds a place free from fear, filled with respect, and marked by deeds of...