How to Become a Synodal Parish: Level 200 Cultivating Co-responsibility (online)
Bernadette Rudolph
September 14 - 15, 2024
Throughout the past year, parishes around the globe have been discovering synodality and incorporating it into parish life. As part of this renewal and reorientation, you participated in “How to Become a Synodal Parish: Level 100, Context and Practices” and brought the synodal method back to your parish. Maybe you have made good progress in doing so and would like ideas for engaging more parishioners. Maybe you have encountered obstacles and would find discussing the complexity of co-responsibility with other practitioners to be helpful.
Co-responsibility has emerged as essential to synodality in the entire Church. The First General Assembly in October 2023 was unprecedented in allowing women, a deacon and young people to join the bishops in daily Conversations in the Spirit on the issues of greatest concern to Catholic Christians. The delegates requested that the conversations continue with all members of the Church. Resultantly, everyone has been asked to figure out HOW to build the structures, processes and relationships to create communion, participation and mission. Together we must figure out how to ensure that everyone has a place at the table.
Connect the progress of synodality on a global level with the progress you are committed to in your parish. This session will equip you with:
- An understanding of co-responsibility and baptism as the source of synodality
- Deeper skills of encounter, listening and communal discernment through the “Conversation in the Spirit” method at the heart of this conversion process
- A richer appreciation of your experiments with the synodal process
- A community of practice with fellow parishioners from around the archdiocese
- Insights from the first General Assembly in Rome, Oct 2023, and the working document for the 2024 Assembly – and why they matter for your community
- A response to a particular area of parish life that you wish to create from a synodal perspective
In reflecting on synodality, a participant in a recent synodal program commented, “It is hard to unsee this way of being Church. It is an invitation that is hard to decline. How do I bring it back to all the parts of my life?” Join us on September 14-15 and keep sharpening your vision!
All participants are required to have attended “Level 100, Context and Practices.” If you have received similar formation elsewhere, please contact Bernadette at [email protected] before registering. You are welcome; at the same time, it is important that all registrants be at the same knowledge level at the start of the program.
Bernadette Rudolph, MA, MS constantly seeks to understand the deeper meaning of life. Of particular interest to her is how the divine is woven through human lives. She has an ear cocked and both eyes open for how the Spirit comes to us in the here and now and invites…
Learn more about Bernadette Rudolph