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Bernadette Rudolph

Bernadette Rudolph, MA, MS constantly seeks to understand the deeper meaning of life.  Of particular interest to her is how the divine is woven through human lives.  She has an ear cocked and both eyes open for how the Spirit comes to us in the here and now and invites us to live more fully.  She is committed to mercy and to respectful dialogue.

With degrees in the liberal arts, religion and religious education and educational leadership, Bernadette has been a volunteer teacher on the Navajo Reservation, a middle school and high school teacher of literature, religion and math, a pastoral minister in a parish setting, a K-8 principal, adjunct faculty at several universities and the Director for Family and Community Development for the Diocese of Scranton. Bernadette is currently the director of facilitation and strategic partnerships at Cranaleith Spiritual Center.  She is a certified spiritual director and member of Spiritual Directors International.  She also serves on the board of the National Association for Lay Ministry and chairs its Standards and Formation Committee.

Bernadette enjoys hiking with her husband John, long talks, feeding people delicious food and creating colorful gardens with plenty of tomatoes.

Deep within us all, there is an amazing inner sanctuary of the soul, a holy place, a Divine center, a speaking Voice to which we may continually return.  Eternity is at our hearts, pressing upon our time-worn lives, warming us with intimations of an astounding destiny, calling us home unto Itself.

Thomas R. Kelly, Testament of Devotion



Events with Bernadette Rudolph

Individual Virtual Directed Retreat
Open Dates

Stay at home or hang out in the mountains or at the beach in solitude, silence, and prayer.  Then, log in once/day on Zoom to meet with one of our experienced Spiritual Directors.  This spiritual director or companion will give direction to your reflection based on your needs coming into…

Solitude Day (self-catered)
Open Dates

This registration is for a single onsite day retreat at Cranaleith.  You will have access to a private room as well as the beautiful grounds of Cranaleith. The retreatant remains in solitude and chooses what to do/reflect on during the retreat time. You may wish to focus on Scripture or…

Claiming Our Joy: Isaiah Prepares Us for Christmas - on demand
Open Dates

Give yourself some time before Christmas to be filled with joy!  Amidst the busy-ness of the holiday season and amidst all that drags down your spirits, God wants you to know that there is love, mercy and peace right now. The prophet Isaiah proclaimed God’s presence in the world so…

Intimacy and Inspiration in the Psalms - on demand
Open Dates

On Demand Programs from Cranaleith: Purchase a copy of Bernadette Rudolph’s presentations for this program, presented online in July, 2023.  You will receive a pdf of links to the videos from each of four sessions.  You may then watch the videos at your leisure. Intimacy and Inspiration in the Psalms…

Individual Directed Retreat (self-catered)
Flexible Dates

A limited number of spaces are available each week for those interested in coming onto our campus for 1-5 days/nights. Staff and retreatants will follow local and CDC guidelines. Retreat is a time for solitude, silence and prayer.  You may wish to focus on Scripture or a spiritual book; you…

How to Become a Synodal Parish: Level 100 Context and Practices (online)
February 9 - 23, 2025

Four years ago, Pope Francis invited the entire Church into a four-year journey to become more synodal.  The journey did not end when the final assembly in Rome closed in October.  Now it is time for each and everyone of us to tap into synodality in practical ways so that…

Synodality: Stories from Rome and Dreaming about Our Future
February 19, 2025

Synodality: A Tender and Hearty Shoot of Green The official four-year cycle for the Synod on Communion, Mission and Participation (a.k.a. the Synod on Synodality) has drawn to a close.  The delegates published their final report, which some felt was a disappointment, some a disgrace.  In contrast, Bernadette Rudolph, a synodal…

One Foot in front of the Other: Spiritual Walking Practices
March 15, 2025

One Foot in front of the Other: Spiritual Walking Practices In these troubled times, our spiritual lives can feel stalled or paralyzed with hopelessness, fear or loneliness.  Maybe the road feels like it has ended, or we’ve lost our way.  Maybe the roadblocks have become too huge and we don’t…