What is Spiritual Direction?

Home / What is Spiritual Direction?

Please note: Due to COVID-19 related closures, Spiritual Direction is currently being offered via phone and teleconferencing.

“Is this all there is?” “What does it all mean?” “How do I draw closer to God?” Individuals who are trying to make sense of a life experience or yearn for a deeper relationship with God may seek the assistance of a spiritual director. The work of the spiritual director is not advice-giving or problem-solving. It is helping people take time to reflect and see God working in their lives. The relationship of spiritual direction is sacred, safe and strictly confidential. Our spiritual directors can offer you the gentle encouragement to open fully to God’s loving presence, and to discern the action of the Spirit in your life.

Day and evening hours are offered and all conversations are confidential.

If you are interested in Spiritual Direction, contact us at [email protected].