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Date & Time Details: Saturday, November 20, 2021, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Eastern Time

Location: Cranaleith Spiritual Center

Address: 13475 Proctor Road, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Contact: [email protected]

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What We Need Is Here: A Day of Gratitude and Hope for Women Veterans

Maria DiBello, RSM

November 20, 2021

“And we pray not for new heaven and earth, but to be quiet in heart, and in eye clear.

What we need is here.” 

Wendell Berry

The darkening days of November invite us to reflection. Looking back over our journeys, we draw light for our questions.  What is the real work asked of us?  What really matters to us?  What is the gift we share?   As the year gathers to fullness, we invite you to a time of quiet wonder with other women vets over the abundance and promise we hold.  Come, savor the unique beauty of late autumn at Cranaleith that mirrors our own.  The day will include art and poetry, as well as rituals of letting go and thanksgiving.

Transportation assistance is available for this event.  Please contact [email protected] for more information.


Maria DiBello, RSM
Maria DiBello, RSM is a member of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas. Her experience includes adult faith formation, pastoral ministry, spiritual direction, and retreat ministry. She also has experience in elementary and secondary education. For many years, Maria provided pastoral leadership in a rural Southern community that was…
Learn more about Maria DiBello, RSM