A “New-Negro-Spiritual” : Freedom Songs For This Moment In Time
Warren B. Cooper
March 16, 2025
Join Warren B. Cooper, nationally recognized performance artist, as he invites us to explore the impact of Negro Spiritual, a profound musical tradition rooted in the African American experience of slavery and the quest for freedom. Negro Spirituals are characterized by their deep emotional resonance and rich cultural heritage. Cooper will draw our attention to the ‘coded messages and instructions’ that guided slaves to freedom, and demonstrate the relevance of those messages and instructions for all people today. Join us as we listen for all the ways the Negro Spiritual can serve as a source of hope, resistance, and spiritual sustenance for all affected by oppressive systems–then and now.
Warren B. Cooper
Warren B. Cooper has been a professional musician since the age of 9. With roots in a wide diaspora of traditions, his performance presentation is a gumbo of distinctive artistry. As a vocal specialist, he reaches to give voice to the matters of Spiritual Awakening, Human Rights, and the Sanctity…
Learn more about Warren B. Cooper
Warren B. Cooper has been a professional musician since the age of 9. With roots in a wide diaspora of traditions, his performance presentation is a gumbo of distinctive artistry. As a vocal specialist, he reaches to give voice to the matters of Spiritual Awakening, Human Rights, and the Sanctity…
Learn more about Warren B. Cooper