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  • $25.00 – Program price: price includes session one

Date & Time Details: Tuesdays, December 3, 10, 17 -- 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Eastern Time

Location: Online

Contact: [email protected]

Scholarships available: Everyone is welcome at Cranaleith. Request scholarship.

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The Invitations of Advent 2024: An Advent Online Retreat: Session One (online)

Leslye Colvin

December 3, 2024

To register for the full series all at once click here.

For centuries, the people awaited the birth of the Christ as foretold by Hebrew prophets. Two millennia later, we believe the prophecy was fulfilled with the birth of a poor child in a stable in a small town in an occupied land. With this belief, what invitations are before and within us in this season of waiting and preparing?

The Series:

Each session stands independently, so come to as few or as many sessions as you wish.

This program is being cosponsored by Pax Christi USA.  Cranaleith is excited about and grateful for this partnership!


Leslye Colvin
Leslye Colvin is a writer, spiritual companion, retreat director, and contemplative activist. She has extensive experience in promoting mission and expanding outreach of a variety of sectors including faith-based nonprofit, government, corporate, and academia. Inspired by the Catholic social justice tradition, she is passionate about encouraging diversity of thought especially…
Learn more about Leslye Colvin