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Date & Time Details: Saturday, August 24, 2024, 10 am - 3 pm

Location: Cranaleith Spiritual Center

Address: 13475 Proctor Road, Philadelphia, PA, USA


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Wonder Women: A Retreat Day for Women Veterans

Maria DiBello, RSM and Kelly Denton-Borhaug, PhD

August 24, 2024

This year, a poem will be etched on Nasa’s spacecraft, which will travel 1.8 billion miles to the second moon of Jupiter. “In Praise of Mystery” by Ada Limon, America’s poet laureate, describes what connects us to one another in the dark expanse of space.  She cries,

“O second moon, we, too, are made
of water, of vast and beckoning seas.

We, too, are made of wonders, of great
and ordinary loves, of small invisible worlds,
of a need to call out through the dark.”

On this day of storytelling, poetry, silence and a simple art expression, we will explore the wonders we share as women veterans.  As we reverence the wonders of our resilient spirits, we will continue to illuminate the “moral injury” we hold with our dark-shadowed world. We will call out our presence and our truth in the darkness of our times, recognizing that “to point outward is also to point inward.”

This program is offered free of charge.  Some transportation assistance is available.  Please contact


Maria DiBello, RSM
Maria DiBello, RSM is a member of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas. Her experience includes adult faith formation, pastoral ministry, spiritual direction, and retreat ministry. She also has experience in elementary and secondary education. For many years, Maria provided pastoral leadership in a rural Southern community that was…
Learn more about Maria DiBello, RSM
Kelly Denton-Borhaug, PhD
Kelly Denton-Borhaug, PhD, is a professor at Moravian University in Global Religions and Peace and Justice Studies.  Not long after 9/11/2001, she began researching and writing about the direct, structural and cultural violence of war and militarization in the United States and wider world.  Her attention turned to military moral…
Learn more about Kelly Denton-Borhaug, PhD