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  • $130.00 – Price includes lodging for 1 night, 3 meals on Saturday and 2 sessions of spiritual direction.

Date & Time Details: Friday, December 15, 7 p.m.- Saturday, December 16, 7 p.m.

Location: Cranaleith Spiritual Center

Address: 13475 Proctor Road, Philadelphia, PA, USA


Financial aid available: Everyone is welcome at Cranaleith. Request aid here.

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Overnight, Silent, Directed Retreat, December 15-16, 2023

Christine Konopelski, SSJ

December 15 - 16, 2023

Often life is so full, we cannot hear God.  Or maybe we are busy, busy, busy and our spirits need some Sabbath rest.  What might happen if you took twenty-four hours to enter into the quiet and stillness with God?   Allow yourself the opportunity for spiritual renewal.

The retreat begins at 7 p.m. on Friday with a communal prayer service.  You will have time to meet with an experienced spiritual director who will listen to you and guide you in making the most of this sacred time with God. The rest of the evening and the next day are yours in silence.  All three meals on Saturday are included; breakfast and lunch will be eaten in silence and dinner includes conversation with others on the retreat. Another communal prayer service wraps up the retreat.

The number of spaces for this retreat is limited to 10; register soon!


Christine Konopelski, SSJ
Sister Christine Konopelski is a Sister of St. Joseph trained as a Spiritual Director by the Sisters of Mercy at Cranaleith and the Sisters of St. Joseph at Francis House of Prayer.  Using various traditions – Ignatian, Salesian, Franciscan, etc – she helps people meet and deepen their relationship with…
Learn more about Christine Konopelski, SSJ