Plant a Memorial Tree
Sponsoring a memorial tree or shrub is a beautiful way to honor the life of your loved one. Your sponsored tree/shrub will be a gift to all who seek wholeness and transformation at our “sanctuary of trees.” Thank you for your generosity!
Memorial trees are available for a donation of $500. Memorial shrubs are available for $250. Your gift covers the purchase and delivery of a tree or shrub from Feeney’s Nursery, a custom engraved memorial plaque, a tree/shrub dedication ceremony, and the care of your tree/shrub over its natural lifetime.
Please select your desired tree/shrub from our approved list of plants.
Planting Location
Cranaleith grounds staff will determine the best location for your memorial tree or shrub. We are careful to select a location where your tree/shrub will grow and thrive for years to come!
Planting Season and Dedication Ceremony
Tree and shrub plantings take place in either the fall or spring. An optional dedication ceremony, which takes place after your tree/shrub has been planted, can occur in any season. We are happy to welcome your family and friends (up to 25 people) to dedicate your memorial tree/shrub. We will work with you to schedule the ceremony date.
Please note: A tree/shrub sponsorship does not include unlimited access to the Cranaleith grounds. We invite you to enjoy your memorial tree/shrub and all Cranaleith flora when you visit as a participant or retreatant. Thank you for helping us maintain the peace and beauty of Cranaleith!
Memorial Plaque
Your custom cast aluminum plaque allows for up to 6 lines with 20 characters per line. Please complete your donor information and plaque inscription in the space below and enclose it with your donation. A member of the Cranaleith staff will contact you to confirm your memorial tree or shrub.
Please make checks payable to:
Cranaleith Spiritual Center
13475 Proctor Road
Philadelphia, PA 19116