Ann Gibbons Phalen, PhD, CRNP, NNP, Dean of Cranaleith’s Community of Practice for Healthcare, has practiced nursing for over forty-five years. Throughout her nursing career, Dr. Phalen has served as a bedside nurse, clinical specialist, nurse practitioner, nurse educator and researcher. Her area of expertise is neonatal nursing. Dr. Phalen has held multiple administrative roles at Thomas Jefferson College of Nursing and most recently as the Dean of the Frances M. Maguire School of Nursing and Health Professions. She retired from her role of Dean at Gwynedd Mercy University in July 2023.
Dr. Phalen professional accomplishments and her highly-regarded connections to the Philadelphia healthcare community are a perfect fit as Cranaleith begins to develop professional communities of practice. Her extensive experience will prove to be invaluable in the Health Professions Community of Practice.