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In Somerton, Suffragists’ Vision Lives On
Hidden City, October 27, 2016 By Sarah Kennedy Editor’s Note:We travel to the Somerton neighborhood of Northeast Philadelphia where the Cranaleith Spiritual Center sits on a bucolic 10-acre property. The late-Victorian house at the center of the parcel, formerly known as Mill-Rae, was built in the late 19th century for women’s rights activist Rachel Foster Avery and was the defining commission that set in motion Nichols’ career as America’s first independent female practitioner of architecture. On Saturday, October 29, the Cranaleith Spiritual Retreat Center will host an event to celebrate its forthcoming placement on the National Register of Historic Places...
Spirit of Inclusion
Northeast Times, October 11, 2016, By William Kenny In a year when the United States may see the elecÂtion of its first woÂman presÂidÂent, a NorthÂeast PhilÂadelphia inÂstiÂtuÂtion is celÂebÂratÂing its role in achievÂing the right to vote for the naÂtion’s woÂmen. Cranaleith SpirÂituÂal CenÂter in SomerÂton didn’t exÂist in 1920 when the states ratÂiÂfied the 19th AmendÂment, but a VicÂtoriÂan farmÂhouse on the spirÂituÂal cenÂter’s 10-acre camÂpus stood back then and once served as a viÂtal meetÂing place for leadÂing sufÂfraÂgists inÂcludÂing Susan B. AnÂthony and its ownÂer, Rachel Foster Avery, durÂing a periÂod in AmerÂicÂan hisÂtory when woÂmen...