
Statement of Commitment

December 21, 2020

The members of the Board of Directors of Cranaleith Spiritual Center add our voices to those who affirm that the lives of our Black brothers and sisters matter. We also acknowledge the trauma that our failures to do so consistently cause for People of Color among us.

Heartened by the historic efforts of staff, program facilitators, and members of our Cranaleith community and emboldened by needs of the racially diverse people we serve through our programming, we deepen our commitment as a Board to support work already begun at Cranaleithto become an anti-racist spiritual center. We will dedicate our assets and resources of heart and mind to growing in that commitment.

The entire Cranaleith community–staff, facilitators, volunteers–willcontinue to collaborate in dismantling racismamong us and create opportunities for our program participants to join us in this ongoing work. Seeking integrity of word and deed, we will strive that Cranaleith more robustly fulfill its mission as a sanctuary for deep reflection on what matters, for healing of the societal wounds we share, and for renewal for the work of justice and mercy.