
From the Executive Director: Charlene Flaherty

March 7, 2019

With winter passing and the dawn of Spring, I have become increasingly aware of the need to tend and cultivate. As any good gardener knows, when we fail to plant, water and weed, nature has a way of following its own course. A different but also compelling example is the need to attend to our homes and investments. If we fail to maintain these fruits of our labor, they may be squandered.

For twenty years, Cranaleith has borne the burden of all of the demands we have placed on her. During this time, she lovingly welcomed more than 53,000 people through her doors and onto her grounds. She has graciously given to all those who came seeking wholeness and transformation.

This year, it has become clear that we have to address the long overdue needs of this special place. Needed improvements include replacing the roof, painting the interior and exterior of the Main House and installing new carpeting. Upgrading our 10 year-old IT system is essential to our everyday operations. Perhaps most importantly, we need to tend to our beautiful trees, many of which have been planted by our benefactors in memory of their loved ones and remind us daily of our Creator’s generosity and goodness.

These improvements will cost $118,500, which is a financial challenge for us but also a vital investment in our future. Over the next few weeks, we will be inviting you to support our efforts to be responsible stewards.

With your on-going prayers and support, Cranaleith will continue to reflect the beauty of the seasons and be a place of welcome and service for generations to come.

Many blessings to you!
Charlene Flaherty

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