
Toll the Bell Day

June 7, 2024

“The CDC’s data shows that gun violence claimed 46,728 lives in 2023, marking the third-highest number of gun-related deaths ever recorded in the United States.”  Source

“In 2023 there were 1,291 nonfatal and 375 fatal shooting victims in Philadelphia, a more than 20 percent decrease from 2022.’  Source

In coordination with the City of Philadelphia and Penn Live Arts, Cranaleith joined many other organizations in the Toll the Bell project, a project that shines attention on gun violence.   Cranaleith rang our historic bell as we participated in the Toll the Bell project.  We gathered ‘round our historic bell in song, prayer and blessing of our city. The bell was first used during the “troubles” in Ireland to warn the villagers of violent attack. Now it rings on Cranaleith’s grounds, giving voice to our cry to stop the violence. On this day, we called out our solidarity with efforts to end gun violence in our neighborhoods and invited all who hear to join the call.

This was a city-wide sound installation to honor the victims of gun violence and to raise awareness for those working to have a positive impact in our city.