
The Time to Heal Is Now: Dialogue on Racism

August 19, 2023

Racism has distorted our vision for too long.  The time to see one another as human is now.  Two women of faith (one Black, one white) acknowledge the sin of racism and proclaim a way forward – together, with respect and kindness, rooted in the example and words of Jesus.

This day of reflection named the reality of racism and its destructive impact on each of us. The Storytelling, conversation, deep listening and ritual provided a basis for healing individually and as a Christian community.

Because it is time for a new community rooted in love, we learned from Jesus new ways of seeing one another and connecting. Jesus has laid out a course in compassion, forgiveness, respect and creativity in “The Woman at the Well” (Jn 4), “The Woman Caught in Adultery” (Jn 8) and “The Teaching on New Wineskins” (Mt 2).  The day closed with a recommitment to anti-racist work that will bring Jesus’ prophetic voice and humble leadership to our neighborhoods, parishes and workplaces.

The program included input from Toni and Bernadette, song, discussion, prayer, time for reflection, dance and time outside on Cranaleith’s beautiful ten acres (weather permitting).