

Jim O'Neill

Jim was born and raised in suburban Philadelphia in the 1950’s and attended Catholic grade school, high school and college. He was a pole vaulter in high school and college and again as a Master Athlete in his early fifties. Jim earned his Doctor of Chiropractic degree in 1979 from the National College of Chiropractic in Lombard, Illinois. He practiced as a chiropractor in Florida and Pennsylvania for six years and then changed careers and entered the medical device industry where he spent twenty-five years before retiring at the age of sixty.

Jim has been involved in Male Spirituality work since his early thirties. His spiritual lineage includes Thomas Merton, Richard Rohr, Carl Jung and Ken Wilber. He made his first Rite of Male Initiation in December 2003 through the Philadelphia Mankind Project. His second rite of passage was in September 2006 at Frost Valley, New York through Over the years Jim has lead numerous small men’s groups, drum circles, shadow workshops, Council circles and yoga retreats. His personal practice includes daily meditation, yoga, hiking and kayaking. He received his Yoga Teacher certification at Graterford Prison and has been teaching yoga to incarcerated men for the past ten years. He enjoys spending time with his wife of forty-eight years, two daughters and three grandchildren.