Tiffany Cooper began her journey with yoga in 1997 while living in Santa Monica, California. After moving to Yardley, Pennsylvania she found a supportive community of yoga practitioners and decided she wanted to share the many gifts yoga has given to her with other people. She is certified in Vinyasa Flow yoga through Prancing Peacock in Yardely, Pennsylvania and Bhakti Yoga through Bhakti Center in New York City.
Tiffany lives a life of deep spiritual connection. As a Krsna Bhakta, she has a strong sadhana of studying sacred texts such as Bhagavad Gita, Bhagavata Purana and Chaitanya Caritamrta. She is a Usui Reiki Master and a Four Winds trained Shaman who has received all of the Munay-Ki healing rites. As an Energy Reader she uses her connection to the supernatural world to do readings that help others connect with the energy around them and use it to their benefit. As an Herbalist she uses her abilities to communicate with the natural world and help others lead healthier lives. Her classes are filled with a deep sense of joy, reverence and love that create an atmosphere of strength and self-discovery. She encourages students to listen to their bodies, make their practice their own and channel their energy toward positive intentions.
She enjoys teaching in various environments which allows her to connect with people from many backgrounds and fulfill her desire to help make the world a better place. Following her path as a suburban mystic and healer, Tiffany has created a life of serenity and happiness. Going with the flow of the universe has enabled her to live in the moment with deep gratitude. Her goal is to help others attain that as well and experience the abundance that results from it.