

Kelly Denton-Borhaug, PhD

Kelly Denton-Borhaug, PhD, is a professor at Moravian University in Global Religions and Peace and Justice Studies.  Not long after 9/11/2001, she began researching and writing about the direct, structural and cultural violence of war and militarization in the United States and wider world.  Her attention turned to military moral injury about eight years ago, resulting in her most recent book, And Then Your Soul is Gone: Moral Injury and U.S. War-culture. She also has been collaborating with the Moral Injury Program based in the Michael J. Crescenz VA Medical Center in recent years, and together with Chaplain Chris Antal, teaches a course, “Moral Injury: A Public Health Crisis” at Moravian University that is co-led by veteran graduates of the same program. She walks upwards of twenty miles per week with her dog, “Bear,” and loves cooking and growing her own vegetables.