

Gail Morrison-Hall

A Philadelphia native, Gail attended Tyler School of Art (Temple University) on full scholarship, graduating with a BFA and certification in education. She later graduated from Arcadia University with a MA ed +60 graduate credits. She spent the first part of her career as an art educator, helping K-8 students learn about and make art. She has led professional workshops, written and been awarded numerous grants, written art curricula and created teaching materials. In recent years, Gail has fully focused on making and exhibiting her own art.

Gail exhibits her award winning paintings both regionally and nationally, in physical and virtual juried shows. Her work is represented in public and private collections. In addition to traveling extensively through the United States, Europe and Southeast Asia, Gail was fortunate to have resided in Italy and Thailand.

Tyler School of Art, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
BFA, Certification in Education, Painting Major
Arcadia University, Glenside, PA
MA ed + 60 graduate credits Painting Major
Continuing Education:
Workshops, Critiques: Kassem Amoudi

Exhibition Highlights:

Light in Motion: Old City Jewish Arts Center, Philadelphia, PA
Off the Wall: EclipseC3 Gallery, Lansdale,PA  juried show
Fall Exhibition: Artist’s Equity at Wallingford Art Center, Wallingford, PA juried exhibition
Lygophilia: EclipseC3 Gallery, Lansdale, PA themed juried show
Images 2022: Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts, State College, PA
Ebullition: EclipseC3 Gallery, Lansdale, PA themed juried show
Undeniable: Artist’s Equity qt Montgomery County Community College, Blue Bell, PA
Two Person Show: Selections from the “Tenement Series”, D’Arrigo Gallery, Salus University, Elkins Park, PA
Passages: Open juried show: Target Gallery, Torpedo Factory, Alexandria, VA

Notes to Myself: Painted Bride Art Center, Philadelphia, PA: Three Person Show
Contemporary Expressions: A Regional Artists’ Installation, Freeman’s Main Line, Wayne, PA Curator, Lauren Addis
Painting Exhibition: Bryn Mawr Dermatology, Villanova, PA: Two Person Show, Curator, Lauren Anrig Addis
Nationalism: Belonging/Not Belonging, Holy Family College, Philadelphia, PA Curator, Pamela Flynn
MCGOPA: Fall Open Juried Show:Juror, Terry Newman
MCGOPA: The Artist’s Perspective: Juror, Charles Stainback
Portraits: Open Juried Show, The Plastic Club, Philadelphia, PA
National Juried Show: Lancaster County Art Association, Strasburg, PA
MCGOPA: Open Juried Show: Juror, Lisa Tremper Hanover
Violence: sponsored by The Women’s Caucus for Art, SPP Galleries, Conshohoken, PA
National Juried Show: Lancaster County Art Association, Strasburg, PA
Visual Phrasing: Juried Show, Therese Maloney Gallery, Morristown, NJ, Curator, Virginia Butera
MCGOPA: Open Juried Show: Juror, Richard Rosenfeld

Virtual Exhibitions
Juried into many online exhibitions during Covid Lockdown  Awards listed below:
Camelback Gallery: Scottsdale, AZ Abstracts with Blue (juried online exhibition) Bronze Award
Contemporary Art Gallery Online: Annapolis, MD All Botanicals (juried online exhibition) 3rd place: Painting
Contemporary Art Gallery Online: Annapolis ,MD All Abstraction (juried online exhibition) Winner: Painting

Collections: National and regional private collections (the private collectors prefer to remain anonymous)
Permanent Collection, Park Towne Place, Philadelphia, PA