John was a teacher (Religion, Latin, Psychology, English) at Holy Ghost Prep in Bensalem for forty-five years, during part of which, he chaired the religion department. At present, he is involved in his parish as a cantor, a member of the RCIA team and a member of the Faith Formation Committee. As such he leads Bible studies and facilitates parent groups for those whose children are preparing for Reconciliation and Eucharist. John also serves on the Board of Limited Jurisdiction for Our Lady of Grace School. For fifteen years he was also a counselor/therapist at Merakey Behavioral Health, retiring from there in October of 2022.
He is a lifelong Philadelphian. John grew up in St. Matthew’s parish, attended Holy Ghost Prep (class of 1964) in Bensalem and holds a BA in classics from Duquesne University (1969). He earned an MA in religious studies (Scripture concentration) from the Religious Studies Division of St. Charles Seminary (1980), and an MA in counseling psychology from LaSalle University (1997).
John has also completed the Spiritual Direction Formation Program at Cranaleith Spiritual Center (2017) and has been practicing spiritual direction since. John shares the following reflection about this ministry:
The opportunity to be a spiritual director has been one of the great blessings in my life. It is such a privilege to walk with someone on his or her way to discovering a deeper relationship with God. There are many twists and turns on that path, and the opportunity to walk with someone on that journey and to observe the growth of that person’s relationship with the Lord always reminds me of the disciples on the road to Emmaus. It is an endless source of joy and enlightenment for me as much as for them. We do not travel alone. We travel with the Lord. This is a gift for which I thank the Lord every day.
The other blessing for which John thanks the Lord every day is his wife of fifty-one years, Arlene, and their family of four sons, four daughters-in-law and five grandchildren. Needless to say, they are all beautiful, handsome and brilliant.
“I am always with you;
you hold me by my right hand.
You guide me with your counsel,
and afterward you will take me into glory.”
Psalm 73
Events with John Buettler

April 25 - 26, 2025
Often life is so full, we cannot hear God. Or maybe we are busy, busy, busy and our spirits need some Sabbath rest. What might happen if you took twenty-four hours to enter into the quiet and stillness with God? Allow yourself the opportunity for spiritual renewal. The retreat begins…