

Claiming Our Joy: Isaiah Prepares Us for Christmas – on demand

Bernadette Rudolph

Open Dates

Give yourself some time before Christmas to be filled with joy!  Amidst the busy-ness of the holiday season and amidst all that drags down your spirits, God wants you to know that there is love, mercy and peace right now.

The prophet Isaiah proclaimed God’s presence in the world so beautifully that we proclaim his words even now each Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  We will look at passages from Isaiah to connect his hopeful message to your life today.  With each passage there will be time for you to reflect.  There will also be prayer and discussion (to whatever extent is comfortable for you).

You shall be called by a new name
that the mouth of the Lord will give…
You shall be called “My Delight”
… for the Lord delights in you

   Isaiah 62: 2b, 4

This program was originally presented in December 2021.  You will receive a pdf with links to the video recordings.  You may then watch it at your leisure.


Bernadette Rudolph
Bernadette Rudolph, MA, MS constantly seeks to understand the deeper meaning of life.  Of particular interest to her is how the divine is woven through human lives.  She has an ear cocked and both eyes open for how the Spirit comes to us in the here and now and invites…
Learn more about Bernadette Rudolph