Mission, Vision, Values
Learn more about the principles that guide our work and how we strive to engage and inspire as a compassionate and connected community.

In our city and across our society, We see a hunger for meaning and spiritual grounding.
What is missing in our lives?
How do we clarify our sense of purpose and direction?
Where do we find strength to sustain ourselves in the struggle?
How do we begin?
The societal challenges we face are spiritual challenges too.
The environmental crisis we are witnessing—which Pope Francis recognizes as having spiritual dimensions and requiring “an ecological conversion.”
The racial healing our nation seeks and requires—because the wounds and divisions transcend the physical, social, and economic.
The epidemic violence our city and nation are enduring—with its enormous spiritual costs and its deeply rooted causes.
The polarization of our society and the weaponization of misinformation—also with enormous spiritual costs.
The closing of our borders to immigrants—and the injustice and needless pain that result.
Cranaleith is a place to
Imagine hope for the planet
Undo the spiritual knots of racism
Embrace nonviolence as the only path forward
Ensure women’s rights and place in the world
Respect the dignity and humanity of immigrants
Cranaleith’s Reason for Being
Dedicated to meeting the pressing, widespread need we see in our society
- for spiritual growth
- for meaning in life
- and for connection
Founded in the belief that those who hunger for food and lack shelter require spiritual sustenance as well.
Cranaleith is…
A place of beauty and tranquility… Of trees, gardens, and a spring-fed pond… Located on 10 historic acres in Northeast Philadelphia…And feeling a world away.
Sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy… Drawing deeply on their philosophy and values… And openly welcoming to all—To those of every faith or none… To every culture and circumstance.
Committed to serving persons who are poor or marginalized… To supporting the humanitarian workers dedicated to their cause… And to those at the center of need and those at the center of influence into meaningful partnerships.
Cranaleith is a Place Where
Persons from very different backgrounds
Through a process of reflection
And sharing of their stories
Find renewal through connection to each other
Cranaleith is a Place For
Professionals exhausted from their practice in health professions, education, business and social work finding ways to… Find clarity and a renewed sense of purpose, Find ways to listen deeply to the Spirit in the persons served… Develop daily strategies to remain connected to the Sprit while remaining wholly present in the community being served… Connect with colleagues in order to share resources, information, inspiration.
Men and women from CATCH Recovery Programs, Who have experienced poverty and behavioral health issues, To work and find peace in our garden
Women caregivers, Who bear the trauma of gun violence in their neighborhoods and families, Grow in awareness of the wisdom, resilience and healing power they hold for themselves and for one another, Weave bonds of mutual compassion, understanding and encouragement
The staff from Covenant House, Who care for runaways in Kensington, Gaining strength and perspective in the stillness and beauty, After harrowing life and death experiences
Volunteers and professionals from Project H.O.M.E., Along with program participants who have known homelessness, Seeking wholeness together
Cranaleith offers a contemplative space for all those seeking wholeness and transformation for themselves and society. We are committed to making Cranaleith accessible to all, especially to persons who are poor, vulnerable or marginalized and those who work in solidarity with them. We seek to invite those at the center of need and those at the center of influence to reflection, reverent dialogue and meaningful partnerships.

We witness to mercy when we
Reverence the dignity of each person
Create a spirit of hospitality
Pursue integrity of word and deed
Tend relationships that are compassionate, just and joyous