How to Create a Sacred Space at Home 

A patio with chairs and potted plants on the side.

By Bernadette Rudolph

During the pandemic craziness, I recognized a longing for the creek of my childhood. It had been the companionable background of daily life, the roaring call to recognize the greater forces at work in the world and a calming voice in times of trouble. It had been a connecting point with God.

SoI bought a compact, inexpensive fountain online. It was crucial that it sounded like the running water I knew. I set it up on the back patio with two chairs and some herbs. (Plants also connect me with God.) I pray morning prayer there or rest at the end of the day. I eat dinner and play games with my family as the water flows nearby. And my sense of God is heightened consciously and unconsciously once again.

Whether the pandemic madelifemore frantic or broughtitto a screeching halt, many people recognized their deep need for reflective time.There was a great surge ofonline retreats, but then cameastruggle. Becausepeople were accustomed to leave homefor holy experiences,timewasn’tenough; they needed sacred space as well. AsCranaleith’sprogram director,I heard plenty of lamenting of the inadequacies of Zoom and I encouraged people to claim a sacred space in their home for online retreats.

A blue and white logo with the words statement of commitment from the board of directors.
The prayer room at Cranaleith incorporates flowering plants, comforting textiles and lots of light.

In her creative way, the Spirit hasreminded usthatourhomes aresacred. Sheinvitesus to be moredeliberate aboutthesestay-at-home connection points.Americans have madesacred spacea top design concern, as shown in arecent studyby the American Society of Interior Designers. However, most people are not seeking professionalinput. And why should they? Allthey need is to name whatconnects themto the sacred.

Sacred space in the home is not a recent invention. Think of family shrinesoutside Hindu homesorhome altars to the ancestors in Chinaand MexicoorSt. Francisand Blessed Motherstatues in Catholic Christian flower beds. My mother adorned our kitchen table every May and October with simple bouquets and her Hummel statue of Mary and Baby Jesus tofocususduringour family rosaries.

To create your ownsacred space, consider the following:

  • Is this to beyour own space or shared? If the latter, bring thosewho live withyou live into theprocess.
  • When have you felt closest to the Divine?It could have been worshipping with a religious community orbeing in nature. Maybe it was a dramatic life event. Perhaps somewhere you felt safe or loved or happy.
  • What were key elements in that experience?We connect with the divine through our senses, in people and things.Was there lightor darkness,a sceneor a face,a sound, a touch,an action,thewindor water?
  • Where would you like to set up your sacred space?It can beascompactas a small table or ashelfcorner. It can be a chairor awhole room. What is essential for the space? Light?Quiet?Comfort? Color?
  • Whatitems willyouplace in your sacred spacetohelp you engage with the holy?These may bethings that remind you of or let you experience again your earlier connection with the divine, e.g.candles,sunlight, fire, food,a memento, asacredsymbol from your religious traditionorapicture of someone you admire or love deeply. It maybehelpful to choose things that connectyouto the holythrough Time(something people have used for years) and things that connectyouto the holythroughSpace (something from the natural world).
  • Remember you can always change it! When the cold weather comes, I will drain my fountain and come inside.That’sokay. I have a window I like to prayatand my kitchen table is always a holy place.
  • How can youK.I.S.S.your sacredspace?(KeepItSimple,Sweetheart!) A lot of stuff or expensive stuffis no guarantee of a “holier” experience.Asimple space slowsdown your thoughts as well as your body. When we rest, we hear God speak.Thevastness of God is available in each little thing, in eachbriefmoment.

Blessings on the construction of your own sacred space!

What does your sacred space look like? Describe it in the comments below, email a photo at [email protected] or tag us @cranaleith on social media, so we can share a photo of your space in a future newsletter!