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Haylie Doan

Haylie Doan is from Enola, Pennsylvania and is a junior at La Salle University studying Speech Pathology. On campus, Haylie co-leads the Christian Fellowship group, is a La Salle Ambassador, a member of NSSLHA (National Student Speech Language Hearing Association), is on the Honors Council, and is a member of the Spikeball Club. She’s very excited to speak about her experience in Rome and how she is working to bring Synodality to the university she calls home!

Fun fact: Haylie loves animals and taught herself how to play the guitar!

Events with Haylie Doan

Synodality: Stories from Rome and Dreaming about Our Future
February 19, 2025

Synodality: A Tender and Hearty Shoot of Green The official four-year cycle for the Synod on Communion, Mission and Participation (a.k.a. the Synod on Synodality) has drawn to a close.  The delegates published their final report, which some felt was a disappointment, some a disgrace.  In contrast, Bernadette Rudolph, a synodal…